Download Printable Installation Guide
The information in this guide is shared from 4windsbamboo to
our customers and contractors installing bamboo flooring. Following the installation
instructions is to insure that the bamboo floor is installed correctly, which is a
requirement for your 4windsbamboo floor to be covered under our Limited Warranty.
4windsbamboo welcomes constructive feedback and additional bamboo flooring installation
tips from our customers to improve our own and others' installation techniques.
Jump to:
- Sub-floor Preparation
- Moisture
- Nail-down
- Floating
- Glue Down
Bamboo flooring from 4windsbamboo: manufactured and packed in carton box at moisture content lower than 8%.
Since bamboo flooring is a natural product, the natural expansion and contraction, which is induced by the change of
the ambient humidity and/or temperature, of each plank through seasons is considered normal and acceptable.
Acclimation of bamboo flooring on the job site: especially required for the application in a dry climate.
A two to four week time frame for the job-site acclimation is recommended for the pre-finished regular bamboo flooring,
such as laminated solid bamboo flooring. However, for the pre-finished strand (high-density) bamboo flooring,
four to six week time frame is what 4windsbamboo would like to suggest. This on-site acclimation process may be longer for a
radiant heat system floor. 4windsbamboo would also like to encourage our customers "having the planks out of the carton box and placing them
in a good ventilation room; and, making sure that the heating/venting system is turned on as usual operation in the acclimation process".
While racking or stacking the planks, avoid surface finish shin change of the exposed area from the unexposed area.
Such shin variation is not covered under 4windsbamboo's material and product warranty.
Difference in moisture content between the bamboo flooring and the sub-floor:
within 2%. For instance, if the bamboo flooring is at 7% moisture content,
the moisture content of the sub-floor must be between 5% and 9%. Remember,
acclimation of the bamboo flooring on the job site is our customer's full
responsibility for any unpleasant shrinkage or expansion of the bamboo planks.
Also, remember that the bamboo flooring is a natural product
Industry standard of 4windsbamboo's flooring: applied for the grading deficiencies
of up to 5%, regardless of whether the deficiency is of a nature or manufacturing.
Inspection of all purchased 4windsbamboo’s flooring: done by the Installer
prior to the installation. Do not install any material that has defects in
quality, such as: color, finish, and/or structure, and notify 4windsbamboo
Responsibilities of the owner, builder, contractor, or installer: ensure
that the job site environment, including the sub floor and its surface,
meets all applicable standards before installing bamboo flooring.
Temperature and humidity levels at the job site: set to normal living
conditions as least for 7 days before the bamboo flooring installation
and must be maintained at those levels after installation.
Recommended 4windsbamboo Flooring Products (unfinished and pre-finished):
- Nail-Down Installation:Antique
(Hand scraped) Bamboo Flooring, Strand Bamboo Flooring,
Horizontal, Vertical,
and Engineered Bamboo Flooring.
- Floating Floor Installation:
Engineered Bamboo Flooring
- Glue Down Installation:Antique
(Hand scraped) Bamboo Flooring, Strand Bamboo Flooring, Horizontal,
Vertical, and Engineered Bamboo Flooring
Recommended 4windsbamboo Building Products:
- Stairs:
Bamboo 2"x12" stair plank, 1"x12" stair plank, stair tread, stair riser
- Railings:
Bamboo baluster, post mounting kit, post top finial, handrail, newel post.
- Floor Vents:
Bamboo flush-mount floor vent, drop-in floor vent.
- Molding:
Bamboo baseboard, door/window casing
- Floor Transition:
Bamboo nosing, reducer, T-mold, Q-mold
- Wall Decoration:
Bamboo wall panel
- Office/kitchen:
Bamboo floor mat, area rug
Job Site Conditions
- The bamboo flooring should not be
delivered to the job site until all doors and windows are in place, all wet work is complete
(cement, drywall, painting, etc.) and the permanent heating and cooling system is operational.
- The bamboo flooring must be
allowed to acclimate at as close to "Normal Environmental Conditions" as possible for at least
2-3 weeks before installation. See section on "Normal Environmental Conditions" for details.
- Remove baseboard (when applicable) where it intersects with the new flooring area. Be sure to cut the caulk
at the top of the base board first and be careful not to damage the wall or the base board during removal.
- Remove existing flooring, underlayment, and associated fasteners. Note: Depending on the lay out of the job site,
it may be beneficial to remove the existing flooring in stages to avoid having to move furniture multiple times.
Sub Floor
- Inspect sub floor and/or sub surface for any height variation greater than 1/16".
- Scrape, sand, plane, level, or shim any variations greater than 1/16".
- Ensure that the sub floor is structurally sound. Screw any areas that are loose or squeak. Replace any areas that
are damaged or weak.
- Check the moisture content of the sub floor/sub surface with the appropriate test equipment to ensure that it meets
industry standards.
- Sweep and clean the entire floor.
- A vapor barrier, such as 6-mil polyethylene film, must be placed in crawl spaces.
- A moisture barrier foam pad is necessary for any concerns that moisture underneath the sub floor may come up.
Concrete (Gypcrete) Slab:
- Inspect for any height variation greater than 1/16".
- Scrape and/or level any variations greater than 1/16".
- Sweep and clean the entire floor.
- Have all cracks and holes filled with a cemented-based patching material, and it must be tested for moisture.
Calcium Chloride test method is recommended and flooring must not be installed if the vapor pressure
exceeds 3 lbs. per 1000 sq. ft. in 24 hours. Concrete slab younger than 60 days are generally too wet for installing bamboo flooring.
- For nail down approach, 5/8" to ¾" plywood is installed over the concrete or gypcrete slab with PL adhesive and nail.
It is recommended to have at least 24 nails (4x6) distributed along edges and field of each piece of plywood.
- It is also recommended to lay moisture barrier underlayment on top of plywood prior to installing bamboo flooring.
- For other considerations of health and a clean environment, the underlayment can act as a sound
barrier, cushion, and/or absorber of toxic and/or obnoxious fumes, e.g., bamboo charcoal fabric.
Sub Floor with Radiant Heat
- Be sure that the heating system is designed and controlled for bamboo floors to avoid any damage due to excessive
heat and inconsistent temperatures. This includes calculating the heat load of the system and heat loss of the room.
- The heating system should be operational and on for about 7 days, and the flooring must
acclimate for 2 to 6 weeks depending upon the style of bamboo flooring to be installed, as well as upon the heating system.
- Turn heat off and allow the sub floor to cool to room temperature before installing bamboo flooring.
- After the bamboo flooring installation, wait two days before turning the heat back on. Gradually raise heat to the desired
temperature over the period of one week. The surface temperature of your floor should never exceed 85° F (29°C). Radiant
heat floor generates dry heat. It may be necessary to use humidifier(s) to maintain "Normal Environmental Conditions".
It is especially important that humidity levels (35-55%) and room temperature
(55-85° F) are maintained in
the interior of your home or place of business at all times during the year.
Recommended Tools and Accessories for Installing Bamboo Flooring:
- Power Tools:
miter saw w/ stand, table saw, circular saw, fine cut saw, toe kick saw, jig saw, air compressor,
cleat/staple nail gun, 16 gauge finish nail gun, 18 gauge brad nail gun, carpet staple gun, belt sander, shop vacuum
- Hand Tools:
hammer, mallet, flat bar, nail set, tape measure, speed square, framing square, razor knife, fine tooth file, chalk line, chisel, putty knife,
caulk gun, earplugs, safety glasses, extension cord, air compressor hose, strap clamps (for floating and glue down installations)
- Accessories:
Underlayment : rosin paper (for nail down)
Foam Pad : by Shaw (Green; Grey; Blue) for moisture/sound barrier + cushion (for nail down and floating)
Adhesive : Ever-seal by Bruce (floating), Bostik's Best or Franklin's 811 Plus (glue down); Liquid Nails
Nails : 16 gauge Cleats or Staples, 16 gauge or 18 gauge finish nails
Installation Approaches:
- Nail Down Installation: Use rosin paper or foam pad under the
bamboo flooring with cleat nails to hold the planks. Rosin paper is
for the situation of no considerable moisture migrating from the substrate.
Foam pad will provide cushion effect and it will also be used in the situation
of considering the possible moisture migration from the substrate. Use
the right length of cleat nails for the thickness of the sub-floor. No guarantee is applied to bamboo flooring
installed over or onto particleboard (OSB is the exception). See details below.
- Floating Floor Installation: Use
non-absorbent moisture barrier foam pad under the bamboo flooring with Bruce
ever seal glue in tongue and groove. Keep the installed floor from traffic for
at least 24 hours while the glue is setting up. See details below.
- Glue Down Installation: Do not use a
water-based adhesive, but urethane based, e.g. Bostik's Best or Franklin's 811 Plus, which are moisture-resistance wood flooring
adhesives. Also, for faster drying time, use Sika Floor Adhesive. Following manufacturer's
instructions, apply adhesive to substrate with suitable trowel. Immediately
place plank onto "wet" adhesive. Roll finished installation immediately with
150-lb roller. Use a releasable tape or strap clamps to hold planks together
from creeping apart from one another and keep the installed floor from traffic
for at least 24 hours while the adhesive is setting up.
General Installation Tips
- Be sure to mix boards from several different boxes at a time to compensate for natural color
variation and avoid a clustered look.
- Be attentive to stagger adjacent rows by a minimum of 6". Avoid staggering rows uniformly to avoid a
stair step look.
- Allow a minimum of 1/4" expansion gap around all vertical obstructions.
- When face nailing a plank or accessories, always pre drill first.
- Allow a maximum of 1/8" expansion between the bamboo flooring and any other flooring material or other
exposed finished surface (i.e. tile, sliding door, etc.)
Step-by-Step Installation
Step 1: Door ways - Undercut door casing and jams to avoid difficult scribe cuts. Note: remember to include any
moisture barrier in the trim-up height. This means that the bamboo flooring should be able to run under the
door casing instead of cutting the flooring to go around it.
Step 2: Starter Row - Choose the longest most consistent possible wall that is perpendicular to the room to begin
the first row, ideally running the planks perpendicular to the floor joists. Before you install any planks, stop and
look at the room. Walk through the installation in your head and make sure that you are starting from the most
appropriate wall. Make sure that you are not going to have problems later on in the installation.
Nail Down Installation
- - Using a chalk line,
establish a straight line the width of one board away from your starting wall. Don"t
assume that the wall you are starting on is straight or perpendicular to the room.
- - Begin from left to right gluing or face nailing the first row to the sub floor, tongue facing away from the wall.
Use shims between the wall and the plank to keep each plank straight with your chalk line.
- - After the first row is in place, straight and shimmed against the wall, blind nail through the top of
the tongue at approximately a 45 degree angle using a 16 gauge finish nail gun, placing the nails 6" to 8" apart.
Floating Floor Installation
- - Roll out the foam underlayment as close to all walls as possible. Tape the pads together using duct tape.
- - Begin by gluing together five rows of material, staggering all end joints by at least six inches. Apply
glue to the top of the tongue along the entire length of the plank and on the end of the plank.
A little glue should squeeze out of every joint. When cleaning excess glue, allow it to dry 10 to 20 min then easily peel the glue
off the surface with a putty knife and wipe the remainder with a damp rag.
- - Tape or strap together the rows you have laid so far making sure that all joints fit together tightly.
This will make one large plank ensuring that you have a straight field to start from.
- - Push the entire field up against the wall using shims to make up for variation in the wall. Note: this
method can be difficult when you are dealing with a long starting wall because of the weight of the starter field. In
this case you will need to make sure that your starting field is parallel to the wall and perpendicular to the room as you go.
Step 3: Installing the floor
Nail Down Installation
- - After the first row is in place, roll out the rosin paper underlayment or other moisture barrier as
close as possible to the first row. If you are using anything thicker than rosin paper you will need to start it in the
middle to outside edge of the second row to avoid any height difference at the joint.
- - Use the finish nail gun to blind nail the second and third rows, ensuring that each new row is seated
tightly against the previous row and that the ends of each board fit together tightly.
- - After you have installed the first three rows, continue as previously described using a Power Cleat
fastener, spacing the fasteners 10" to 12" apart with a minimum of two fasteners per plank.
Floating Floor Installation
- - Continue laying the floor, applying the glue to the top of the tongue the entire length of the
plank and on the end of the plank. Glue should squeeze out of every joint.
After laying five to seven rows stop, move your strap clamps and peel/clean the excess. Note: after you have tightened
the strap clamps, tap them with the mallet to cause planks to pull together.
- - Use enough strap clamps so that you have at least one per plank. Always keep entire floor strapped
over night and avoid excessive traffic for at least 24 hours until the glue has cured.
Step 4: Final Rows
Nail Down Installation
- - As you finish a room and get close to the wall on the opposite side you will need to go back to blind
nailing with the finish nail gun. When you can no longer use the finish nail
gun at a 45 degree angle, glue or face nail the final rows directly to the sub floor.
Floating Floor Installation
- - Use shims between the final row and the wall to keep all joints tight while the glue dries. Keep all
shims in place for at least 12 hrs.
Normal Environmental Conditions
- - Normal environmental conditions are here defined as temperature between 55°F and 85°F and humidity levels
between 35% and 55%. Humidifiers and fans should be run as necessary to maintain normal humidity.
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Download Printable Maintenance Guide
After the bamboo floor is installed, the maintenance guide below must be closely followed for the
floor to retain its beauty and to be covered under our Limited Warranty. For those who purchased for their clients,
you must faithfully convey these important requirements to your customers (the end user).
Bamboo Flooring (Horizontal, Vertical, Engineered, Antique and Strand bamboo flooring):
- Avoid direct exposure to sunlight;
- According to the National Wood Flooring Association:*
- Wood lying in direct sunlight will change color over time – a natural change.
- Wood also changes color through oxidation, a change that cannot be prevented…
- Shading the floor can minimize lightening.
- According to Alpen Energy Group:**
- Near elimination of UV radiation will delay but not eliminate wood discoloration.
- Keep ambient temperature (55 -85° F) and humidity (35 - 55%);
- Especially in an un-occupied building, house, or room.
- Place wood guards on feet or legs of furniture;
- Vacuum / sweep with a soft bristle broom regularly;
- Place mats at exterior entrances to trap dirt, sands, and gravels;
- Moving furniture or area rugs periodically can equalize changes in color due to sunlight;
- Remove spills promptly;
- Keep pets' nails properly trimmed;
- Avoid dramatic humidity and temperature changes;
- Avoid sharp metal objects from scraping across the floor;
- Avoid excessive pivot and point loads and unprotected heel tips;
- For Strand bamboo flooring, due to it’s hardness,
- more allowance is given for excessive point loads and unprotected heel tips.
- Avoid moisture migration problems, i.e., dishwasher, refrigerator, tub, and toilet leaks;
- Mop with moist cloth and appropriate cleaner on a regular basis;
- Avoid wax, oil, soap, or other household cleaners;
- Always test cleaners on a scrap, and/or consult the cleaning product’s specialist, before use on the floor.
* Quoted from the National Wood Flooring Association Technical Publication No. C200, page 12.
** Alpen Energy Group, LLC comments about fading on the webpage entitled UV Fading Protection
( from April, 25th, 2007.
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Download Printable Limited Warranty
4windsbamboo is committed to providing our customers with the best possible quality of bamboo flooring and bamboo building materials and products,
and to installing bamboo flooring with a high standard of professional service. 4windsbamboo flooring is manufactured at moisture content lower
than 8% in the factory in China and well packed in cartons to ship directly to our climate monitored warehouse in Colorado. In business practice,
4windsbamboo also accept the industry standard of grading deficiencies up to 5%, regardless of whether the deficiency is of a nature or manufacturing.
As 4windsbamboo's customers, such industrial standard must be acknowledged and applied to the bamboo flooring and bamboo building materials and products.
Who Are Covered?
- Customers of 4windsbamboo: Those, who purchase 4windsbamboo's bamboo flooring for themselves or for their clients, such as developer, builder,
contractor, or the end user, are 4windsbamboo's customers. The purchased bamboo flooring is covered with our Limited Warranty under the condition
of abiding by our maintenance guide and installation instructions, as well as 4windsbamboo's recommendation for the onsite acclimation process.
Failure to follow these requirements will result in your full responsibility for any damages of the bamboo planks, including surface finish and
structure stability as stated in this Limited Warranty. Those, who purchased for their clients, must faithfully convey these important requirements
to your clients. (Note: This Limited Warranty is non-transferable to subsequent owner of the building or the project.)
What Are Covered and For How Long?
- Lifetime Structural Warranty: 4windsbamboo is committed to providing premium quality bamboo flooring and to offering a Lifetime
Structural Warranty. 4windsbamboo flooring planks (the "Flooring") will not delaminate, warp, cup or crown under the condition
of following the required acclimation process, instructions of installation. and maintenance guide.
- Twenty-Five Year Finish Warranty: 4windsbamboo also warranties the surface finish against abrasion (wear through) on its pre-finished bamboo
flooring from the date of sale for twenty-five (25) years in residential and for three (3) years in commercial applications under normal wear
condition. Such warranty is separate from the result of a manufacturing defect that can be visibly found prior to the installation. The surface
finish warranty does not cover scratches, reduction in the shine of the finish, or damage induced from the substrate. 4windsbamboo's flooring
accessories, e.g. nosing, reducer, Q-mold, and T-mold, are warranted for 4-year wear through for residential application and 1-year for commercial.
(Note that details for handling the manufacturing defect can be referred to 4windsbamoo installation instructions.)
- Workmanship Warranty: If 4windsbamboo or another installer contracted through 4windsbamboo is the installer of the flooring,
4windsbamboo will warranty the quality of installation:
- a) At the time of the Final Walk-Through Inspection against scratches, dents, any gap greater than 1/16", and other mistakes caused by
the installer.
- b) one (1) year against the following occurrences: any planks becoming unattached or dislodged; or height variation between planks greater
than 1/16". Again, acclimation of the flooring is the buyer's (or owner's) responsibility and any natural expansion or contraction
of the flooring is not warrantied.
- c) Note that customers must understand the significance of onsite acclimation process, especially in the dry climate, and be fully responsible
for the acclimation result. Customers, in addition, must realize the natural reaction of expansion and/or contraction of the natural bamboo flooring.
No warranty should be provided for such natural response.
What Are 4windsbamboo's Customers Responsible For Under Our Warranties?
- Understanding of natural expansion and contraction of the bamboo flooring: No warranty should be issued for the result from such natural reaction.
- Onsite acclimation of the bamboo flooring: The acclimation environment of each project site can be so different, for instance, the radiant heat
system vs. the forced air system; sufficient air flow (ventilation) vs. still air; with humidifier vs. without humidifier. Therefore, customers will be
fully responsible for the outcome from your onsite acclimation process. Through years, 4windsbamboo accumulates some experiences about the acclimation
process and would like to share with our customers. However, 4windsbamboo is not responsible, nor liable, to any unsatisfactory result from our
customer's onsite acclimation process.
- Proper installation of the bamboo flooring: (refer to 4windsbamboo's INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS)
- Appropriate maintenance of the bamboo floor: (refer to 4windsbamboo's MAINTENANCE GUIDE)
- Retaining the sales slip (Invoice).
What Will We Do If Any Of The Covered Events Occurs?
- If during the applicable Warranty Period, the Flooring does not conform to the preceding Warranties, the owner and/or contractor of the
flooring shall notify 4windsbamboo as provided below, and within a reasonable time 4windsbamboo will provide, at its option, one of the following:
(1) repair of any nonconforming or defective Flooring (for defects in finish, this means refinishing the affected planks);
(2) provision of conforming planks to replace any nonconforming planks, 4windsbamboo will also make a reasonable attempt to match the color and
shade of the Flooring; (3) refund of the purchase price for any nonconforming planks that have not been installed; or (4) refund of the percentage
of the purchase price for the non-conforming planks that have not been installed equal to the percentage of the Warranty Period remaining when
4windsbamboo is notified of the nonconformity.
- In the event that 4windsbamboo is obligated, or elects, to replace or reinstall warranted planks, 4windsbamboo will in no manner be obligated to
provide for or incur the costs of removing or reinstalling the defective flooring or resurfacing or refinishing the replaced or surrounding flooring
or to provide for the cost thereof unless and to the extent expressly provided in the Warranty above. However, in most cases a reasonable allowance for
associated costs of removal and re-installation will be made in most cases, but this allowance will be included only during the first two years of
use and it does not include the cost of removal of fixtures and cabinets installed on the flooring; no obligation to replace or repair will extend
to any sub-floor materials, adhesives, supplies or other items consumed in the course of removal, installation or refinishing.
What Are Not Covered By These Warranties?
This warranty applies to the normal living environment and to the normal use
conditions, but excludes damage or defects resulting from or in any following
1. Improper and insufficient onsite acclimation process;
2. Failure to following the instructions of 4windsbamboo Flooring Installation Guide;
3. Failure to following the instructions of 4windsbamboo Flooring Maintenance Guide;
4. Settlement or movement of the structure, including sub floor and sub surface, to which the flooring is attached;
5. Natural events such as tornadoes, floods, hurricanes, Acts of God;
6. Stains, finishes or fillers;
7. Materials installed with obvious defects or unacceptable color variation;
8. Improper storage and handling in rain or high moisture prior to installation;
9. Abuse, unintended uses, lack of maintenance, application of solvents, corrosives or other chemicals to the Flooring;
10. Color change, crazing, fading or damage due to exposure to the sun;
11. Unusual ambient condition in humidity and/or temperature;
12. Excessive moisture in sub floor. (To ensure your warranty remains effective, keep your proof of pre-installation moisture test results. See Sub-floor Preparation. Sub floors with known moisture problems are not covered by this warranty.);
13. Gaps between planks due to normal shrinkage (being up to one eighth of an inch) or any non-4WINDSBAMBOO installation mistake or failure to acclimate the flooring (proper acclimation is the buyer's responsibility);
14. Inadequate expansion space left around objects, such as walls, fireplace hearths, and staircases, to cause buckling or cupping or cracks;
15. Any damage or disturbance to the Flooring and the installed floor, including the sub floor or sub-surface, during installation (for example, traffic on top of the installed floor while the used glue is still in the process of drying for floating and glue-down installations). Such damage can be caused by the owner, contractor(s), and/or another party on the job site;
Natural and Normal Variation:
Since bamboo is a natural product, variations in color naturally occur and are unpredictable. Installed flooring will change in coloration over time,
and this is also a natural characteristic of wood flooring and bamboo products for which no warranty is provided. Therefore prolonged and direct
exposure to the sun must be avoided for coverage under this warranty. This warranty does not cover variation in color nor difference between samples
and the installed Flooring. Each box should be inspected by owner and/or contractor and installer for variations in color and staggered throughout
the floor. This warranty also does not cover the effects from normal contraction and/or expansion, because natural products do react to the change
of humidity, temperature, and the combination of humidity and temperature in the environment.
Additional Cares:
- Radiant-Heating Systems:Acclimate bamboo flooring, 2-3 weeks for the regular bamboo flooring and 4- 6 weeks for the strand bamboo flooring,
while the radiant heat system is on at the normal living environment. Follow the guidelines for installing bamboo flooring in the 4windsbamboo
Installation and Maintenance Guide closely. To turn on the system every time in a year, slowly raise
the temperature to the desired level. The surface temperature of your 4windsbamboo floor should not exceed 85 F (29 C). It is especially important that
normal environmental conditions be maintained in the interior of your home or place of business at all times during the year. Run humidifiers and
fans as necessary to maintain normal humidity.
- Floating Floor and Glue Down Floor: After installing bamboo flooring, the floor must be free from traffic
for at least 24 hours while the glue used is setting up.
- Excessive temperature and humidity environment: No wood flooring or bamboo flooring will favor an environment with excessive temperature
and/or humidity. 4windsbamboo will not recommend using bamboo flooring, especially the engineered bamboo flooring, in such harsh and tough environment.
4windsbamboo would like to urge consumers, including architects, interior designers, builders, contractors, installers, and the end users, to consult
the bamboo flooring specialists from different angles to acquire a conclusion first.
- Normal Environmental Conditions: Normal environmental conditions are here defined as temperature between 60°F and 85°F and humidity
between 35% and 55%. Humidifiers, fans, and air conditioning should be run as necessary to maintain normal temperature and humidity level.
- Onsite Acclimation Process: 4windsbamboo would like to advise all consumers of using bamboo flooring to be aware of the importance of
onsite acclimation prior to installing bamaboo flooring. Since the application environment of bamboo flooring can vary dramatically, it is always
the purchaser's responsibility to have proper and sufficient onsite acclimation process. "What to do" and "how long to be" are always asked by
the customers. Here are some tips for our customers: a) Have all planks out of the packing carton and racked up; b) Have sufficient air flow in the area;
c) Hold the same temperature and humidity in the area as used daily; d) Record the changes of moisture content inside the planks at several testing pieces;
e) For horizontal and vertical laminated solid bamboo planks, it is recommended to be acclimated at least 2 - 3 weeks; f) For strand bamboo flooring,
4 - 6 weeks is a minimum time frame; g) Consulting bamboo flooring specialist(s) in your city. The above shared tips may vary from case to case.
4windsbamboo has no guaranty about the end result to be customer's expectation and satisfaction. However, 4windsbamboo wishes a healthy understanding
and cooperation between material suppliers and customers in acquiring such important information for the local consumers in the future.
What Should You Do If You Have A Problem?
A claim must be submitted in writing with the original proof of purchase to
4windsbamboo within thirty (30) days after discovering any nonconformity of the
Flooring to this warranty. The notice must describe the location and nature of
the nonconformity. You must give 4windsbamboo a reasonable opportunity to
examine the claimed nonconformity within a reasonable time before undertaking
any repairs, removal or replacement. 4windsbamboo reserves the right to remove
a sample piece of any Flooring claimed to be nonconforming for testing
purposes. Failure to comply with the requirements of this paragraph will void
your Warranty Coverage. Send correspondence to the email address:
We want our customers to be happy with 4windsbamboo building materials and products. If you are
not, call us first or email us your questions. We will make every effort to answer your questions with our knowledge and understanding so that both you and 4windsbamboo will be at win-win situation.
What Is Excluded From These Warranties?
None of 4windsbamboo's installers, retailers, distributors or employees has the
authority to alter the obligations, limitations, disclaimers or exclusions
under these warranties.
4windsbamboo makes no warranty or guarantee of the quality
of an outside installer's work (i.e. work done by anyone not sub-contracted or
employed by 4windsbamboo) or of a particular installation performed by them.
4windsbamboo disclaims all liability for any errors or improprieties in the
installation of its products by an outside installer.
In no event shall 4windsbamboo be liable for any incidental,
special, indirect or consequential damages. By this we mean any loss, expense,
or damage other than to the bamboo flooring itself that may result from a defect in
the flooring, whether resulting from non-delivery or from the use, misuse or
inability to use the product or from defects in the product or from negligence
of 4windsbamboo.
Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of
incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation may not apply to
you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other
rights which vary from State to State.
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RETURN POLICIES Download Printable Return Policies
4WINDSBAMBOO building materials & products are made of natural bamboo strips.
Shade variation, showing the beauty of natural products, is to be expected.
Things To Have and To Know For The Refund:
- Original invoice or proof of purchase must be presented for the refund.
- All returned will show no scratch, dent, damage, and sheen fading.
- Otherwise, no refund will be issued without any question.
Flooring, Accessories, and Stair Parts:
- No refund for flooring, accessories, & stair parts after 3 months of purchase.
- Planks and treads must remain inside the original box with original packing.
- A 10% restocking fee will be deducted from the returned goods.
Other Bamboo Materials and Products:
- No refund for other bamboo materials and products after 1 month of purchase;
- A 5% restocking fee will be deducted from the returned goods.
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